Wednesday, August 14, 2013

Independence Day of Pakistan

14th August Independence Day of Pakistan

Interesting facts about Pakistan.
1- Pakistan has the 6th largest army in the world.
2-MM.Alam made a world record by downing 4 Indian aircraft's in less than 30 seconds(26 to be exact). The record hasn't been broken yet.

Tuesday, August 13, 2013

My Pakistan

پاکستان ایک انوکھا ملک !!
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ﻣﯿﮟ ﺻﺮﻑﺩﻭ ﺗﯿﻦﻣﺜﺎﻟﯿﮟﺩﯾﻨﺎ ﭼﺎﮨﺘﺎﮨﻮﮞ۔۔۔۔۔۔۔۔۔!
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Sunday, August 11, 2013

Delete administrative password.

Delete administrative password.

If you have forgotten your administrative password then still you can boot your computer by deleting password. Just follow these steps.

1.                 Put your hard disk in any other computer.
2.                 Attach your hard as a secondary hard disk.
3.                 Now start pc and open “My computer”
4.                 Open the drive of your hard disk in which your window is installed.
5.                 open windows then system 32 and at last config
6.                 Delete 2 files. sam.exe and sam.log
7.                 again put your hard disk in your own pc and boot it.
8.                 There is no password…….



 It is often seen that many people want to secure their data from other users or their friends. For this purpose they use different methods to hide their data but all these tricks are not reliable. BUT now I am telling you a secure method to hide full drive. You can put all your data in a drive and after applying this trick you will be able to hide full drive. To learn this trick, follow these steps.

  • First of all logged into administrative account.
  • Click on start, open run and type “CMD” and press enter.
  • Type “diskpart” and press enter.
  • After few seconds diskpart utility will appear.
  • Now type “list volume” to show list of volume and press enter.
  • Select the Drive or volume that you want to hide. If you have four drives C,D,E,F, and you want to hid “D” drive, then type “select volume 1”  and press enter.
  • Now in the next step type "remove letter D" to hide this drive.
  • Close CMD and open My computer to check…drive D is not there…

Now if you want to show the hidden drive
  • First of all logged into administrative account.
  • Click on start, open run and type “CMD” and press enter.
  • Type “diskpart” and press enter.
  • After few seconds diskpart utility will appear.
  • Now type “list volume” to show list of volume and press enter.
  • Select the Drive or volume that you want to hide. If you have four drives C,D,E,F, and you want to hid “D” drive, then type “select volume 1”  and press enter.
  • Now in the next step type “assign drive d” to show this drive.
  • Excellent trick, try it now.

Tuesday, August 06, 2013


Download Skype


Download Skype
     Skype is software that enables you to make free calls anywhere in the world. Skype uses P2P (peer-to-peer) technology to connect you with other users. It offers several features, including SkypeOut calling from Skype to regular and mobile phones worldwide, conference calling, and secure file transferring. You can also now share your screen with other users. It provides high video and audio quality, and secure the calls with end-to-end encryption.

Key features:
  • Make free calls to anyone else on Skype, anywhere in the world.
  • See who you are talking to with free video calls.
  • Chat with up to 100 people in group chats.
  • Conference call with up to four people for free.
  • Call ordinary phones with SkypeOut.
  • Superior sound quality.
  • Works with all firewall, NAT and routers, nothing to configure.
  • Friends list shows you when your Skype friends are online and ready to talk or chat.

Sunday, July 28, 2013

Hotspot Shield 3.09

Download Hotspot Shield 3.09

Hotspot Shield 3.09

Download Hotspot Shield 3.09

Hotspot Shield 3.09

Hotspot Shield is a versatile internet security and privacy solution. In addition to protecting you from dangerous online threats, it also protects your privacy and enables you to access any blocked websites and content.

Hotspot Shield creates a virtual private network (VPN) between your device and its Internet gateway. This impenetrable tunnel prevents snoopers, hackers, and ISP‘s from spying on your web browsing activities, instant messages, downloads, credit card information or anything else you send over the network.
  • Unblock any websites – Can’t access YouTube or Facebook at school or work? By using Hotspot Shield VPN software you can unblock YouTube, unblock Facebook or unblock any sites from anywhere.
  • Protect your IP address – VPN software enables you to protect your IP address so you can enjoy private browsing and prevent hackers and spammers from monitoring your online activities.
  • Surf the Web anonymously – By creating an encrypted tunnel between your computer and Hotspot Shield servers, Hotspot Shield enables you to surf the Web anonymously without being tracked or spied on.
  • Protect yourself from snoopers and hackers at WiFi hotspots, hotels, airports and corporate offices with the Hotspot Shield WiFi security feature.
  • Secure your web session – Secure your data, online shopping, and personal information online with HTTPS encryption.
  • Protect your devices from malware attacks – The latest version of our software now offers complete malware protection!
The Internet connection protector Hotspot Shield encrypts your traffic to protect you from all kinds of spying while your computer communicates with the rest of the world. It's a must-have utility for anybody who uses public Wi-Fi networks, but it's also an excellent tool for ensuring on any network connection that you can access sites and data according to your tastes, and nobody else's. Hotspot Shield's Virtual Private Network services are used by more than 10 million people at the time this review was written, according to the software publisher AnchorFree, making it the largest VPN in the world.
The browser-independent Hotspot Shield establishes an encrypted connection to the Hotspot Shield servers, and turns all HTTP traffic to the safer HTTPS. By rerouting Web traffic and providing you with a new IP address hosted by AnchorFree, the company is able to ensure that your data isn't plucked out of the open by man-in-the-middle attacks or wireless network spoofing.
Recent changes include automatic detection of Wi-Fi connections nearby, the ability to work on corporate networks, and no longer requiring administrative privileges to install.
In our tests, we noticed that sometimes the program would actually resolve pages faster than when connected without it. This occurs, most likely, because of the geographic location of the company's servers. During a day of hands-on testing on the notoriously pokey CNET public Wi-Fi network, we noticed that Hotspot Shield Elite was remarkably fast. There were no connection lags despite the rerouting, and the program admirably handled high-definition streaming videos from sites such as Vimeo, YouTube, and CNET TV. We'd recommend the program for improving the Wi-Fi speeds alone, nevermind the additional security benefits.
The free version of Hotspot Shield does come at a cost. The installation opts you into a toolbar, which redirects your default search and home page, and a desktop icon. Also, whenever you activate Hotspot Shield, it will open a new tab to and begin autoplaying a video. That's seriously annoying, even in a free product that offers such a valuable service. Still, the toolbars and redirects are optional.
Once installed, it appears as a red icon that turns to green when activated in both your system tray and in your browser. Clicking will toggle it on or off. Choosing the Properties option opens a window that tells you that you're connected. Hit the Details link to learn more about your connection, including the VPN IP address, amount of data sent in and out, and how long you've been connected. The data transfer rate makes for a useful, quick-and-dirty gauge for people with data caps.
Hotspot Shield's paid upgrade is called Elite, which runs ad-free and on faster servers. Elite costs $0.50 per 24-hour session, with a minimum $10 deposit, or $5 per month, or $29.99 per year. Payment options include credit card, PayPal, prepaid cash cards or mobile phone payments via premium SMS. Along with built-in site malware protection, Hotspot Shield Elite comes with tech support, preferential bandwidth priority (read: faster Internet speeds) and serves you no additional ads from AnchorFree.
The company has created multiple ways to circumvent download blockers in countries with strict censorship, too. If you can't access a Web page with the download, you can send an e-mail to for the Windows version or for the Mac version, and the small installer file will be sent directly to you.
Note that although the Windows version number and the Mac version number don't match, AnchorFree says the features are the same.
Even with the installation shenanigans, we highly recommend Hotspot Shield for anybody concerned with privacy. In today's world, that ought to be anybody connecting a computer to the Internet.